A 2018 practical guide to hacking RFID/NFC
Ever wanted to hack these proximity/contactless cards you use every day, but did not know where to start? This is the talk to attend! I will walk you through the fascinating world of RFID/NFC failures, snake oils and installation gaps – that despite facing well deserved hacks long time ago, still remain unpatched in so many buildings. Besides legacy (but still widespread), more modern (but also broken), and supposedly non-breakable (yet to be tested) systems, I will also share the risks and possible attacks on the new emerging technology – replacing plastic cards with your NFC smartphone in access control systems. How to recognize the card type? What kinds of cards can be cloned? Can you clone a card having just a picture of it? How to build your own card cracking and cloning equipment for less than $10, and when it is worth to invest in a more powerful hardware? How to use a smartphone to crack keys, or emulate a plastic access control card? How to intercept data transmitted from wall reader to backend door controller? How to reverse hotel system and understand the data encoded on cards? Expect highly practical information regarding these and many other topics. Multiple live demos and NFC hacking hardware sets to give away included. After the talk you are also welcome to practice the new skills yourself on our test access control installations onsite.