AppSec Europe 2018 – our presentations
AppSecEU is the premier application security conference for European software developers and security experts. This year it spaned two days from 5th to 6th of July 2018, offering four full tracks of talks: for pentesters and ethical hackers, developers and security engineers, DevOps/DevSecOps practices and GRC/Risk level talks for managers and CISOs

AppSecEU is the premier application security conference for European software developers and security experts.
This year it spaned two days from 5th to 6th of July 2018, offering four full tracks of talks: for pentesters and ethical hackers, developers and security engineers, DevOps/DevSecOps practices and GRC/Risk level talks for managers and CISOs. July 2nd-July 4th was dedicated to Training sessions and workshops delivered by the industry experts for hands-on learning in top applications security areas.
We presented two topics this year. Both of them generated a lot of interest and this is why the materials are listed below.
Testing iOS Apps without Jailbreak in 2018 – Wojciech Reguła
Click and read the presentation.
Please find also a write-up that summarizes a practical part of the presentation.
Outsmarting smart contracts – an essential walkthrough a blockchain security minefields – Damian Rusinek

Click and read the presentation.
Download our handbook which contains many useful recommendations and guidelines which should be implemented if you work with solutions based on blockchain. You should read it to become more aware: How to Develop Secure Blockchain Applications.

Head of Mobile Security